Pátapo y Lambayeque en el filme 'Andean Archaeology' de J. Alden Mason, 1952 (sin audio) Diego Portilla Miranda 2:06 4 years ago 76 Далее Скачать
David Ilan - The Archaeology of Pilgrimage to Biblical Tel Dan David Ilan 1:08:54 3 years ago 544 Далее Скачать
Archaeologists claim they've found Aztec ceremonial platform AP Archive 1:48 9 years ago 3 116 Далее Скачать
Scientists discover unspoiled tomb from the Lambayeque culture AP Archive 1:43 9 years ago 139 Далее Скачать
Hallan en Perú tumba de agua de entre los siglos XII y XIII AGENCIA EFE 1:46 12 years ago 1 534 Далее Скачать
Art of the Ancient Americas at the DAM|Andean Origin Story in Spanish Denver Art Museum 5:03 2 years ago 110 Далее Скачать
Exploring Peru: Ollantaytombo Archaeological Site Adventures with Sarah 6:39 2 years ago 919 Далее Скачать
Templo Mayor museum reveals discovery of ancient burial site at Aztec capital AP Archive 1:34 9 years ago 977 Далее Скачать
La expedición Urdaneta-Legazpi por Oscar Alvarez HIJOS BONICOS 1:02:29 8 years ago 1 551 Далее Скачать